Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

So it's a new year and I've decided to see what this blogging business is all about. Being that it is a new year I have made my usual New Years Resolution: I will lose weight. I am a bit more serious about it this year...I actually got my rear off the couch and got a membership at the gym in late November.I have gone 3-4 times a week every week since( Yay me!). I also convinced my husband to join with me which will definately help. Amoung my many motivations( health, happiness and self esteem) is the fact that I want to have another baby. I am hoping to start trying in the summer:)

Sophia grows up a little more every day:( I swear the stuff that comes out of her mouth sometimes astounds me! She's so smart! She, however, shows absolutely NO INTEREST in potty training much to my dismay. So if anyone has any pointers on how to get her interested that would be greatly appreciated:) She also shows no interest in moving into a toddler bed/big girl bed. She is perfectly happy in her crib thank you...and that really is ok with me. I feel safer with her in the crib so if she is happy there...awesome:)

I've had a nice vacation from my job as a daycare provider for the better part of the last two weeks, but sadly that will be coming to a screeching halt after tomorrow. Business as usual resumes on Monday. There is something to be said for life getting back to normal though...I am a creature of routine and a schedule maniac;)