Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Frustration that comes with being a daycare provider

I love being a daycare provider, but there is no denying that it is a challenge! Especially babies. They are so cute and soft and loveable...and frustrating. I have been watching a baby boy now since mid October of 2010( so almost 4 months) and he WILL NOT sleep! In fact, whenever he's not being held he cries isn't quite accurate..he screams bloody murder! His parents freely admit that between them and his 3 brothers he is CONSTANTLY held. They frequently let him sleep in his carseat or swing. Whenever he lets out the tiniest whine everyone comes running. Even if they didn't tell me all of these things it would be obvious just by watching his brothers when they are here in the morning. The cannot handle it when he cries at all. They get so anxious and freak out like he's gonna die if they don't run and entertain him right away...It's ridiculous! I have tried talking to mom and dad and letting them know that he cannot be held all the time here. I have 4 children here during the day that are 2 years old and younger. They all want attention, they all want me to play with them and they all want to be held sometimes. I can't just focus on this little guy. I even gave his mom a copy of the schedule here a couple weeks ago. I told her that once he turns one I am no longer obligated or even encouraged to let him eat or sleep on demand(whenever he feels like it). He will need to be following my schedule here at the daycare. He is 7 1/2 months old and I tried to encourage her to gently start easing him closer to the daycare schedule to make the transition as painless as possible.  I certainly do not expect her and her family to turn thier lives upside down to make sure that thier at home schedule is exactly the same as mine here( and I told her that), but the closer she can get to that schedule and the more consistant and routine his days can be ,at home and at daycare ,the better chance we have of success.
I could totally tell that even though she was nodding her head and agreeing with me the whole time that she was just going to blow me off as soon as she got home. She just kept saing that "none of her boys slept very well" Her 8 year old didn't sleep through the night unti he was 4...4 YEARS OLD! Her 7 year old was almost 4 as well. Well excuse me but Fuck That!  I don't know what to do with these people.Right now I am just laying on the tough love here, but if I don't see any progress soon I think I'm gonna have to let them go...Is that wrong? No? Then why do I feel like such a bitch saying that?